March 2, 2021 in Newsletters

March 2021 Newsletter


Tim Marvel, CSP
2020 – 2021 NSA NT President

A Note from Your President

The “O” in intentional is for

Own it! 

How many times have you heard being a leader is taking ownership? The fact for most of us is, we do own it, all of it. Maybe it is time for you to intentionally look at your business and ask yourself what are the shortcomings? You may have to peel the layers off a little at a time, or you could just rip it off like an old band-aid.

What season are you in of your business? Is it a time of growing, building content, reinventing yourself, education, or something entirely different?

Take stock, and then ask yourself these four questions about where you are right now.

  1. Where are you now (what is your baseline)?
  2. Where do you want to be (what is the gap)?
  3. What are you willing to do to get there (to-do list or commitment)
  4. Who else knows (who is going to hold you accountable)?

Once you answer number 3 the work begins. List out those things that are getting in your way, and this is what you should focus on.

One of the amazing things about NSA-NT and all the talent we have is how freely it is shared. The talent is not limited to the stage, the training room, video, or technology arenas. Decide what you need and check the NSA-NT calendar, seek those activities and people out who will provide you with answers. Call or email helpful suggestions for upcoming events.

February delivered a few challenges. We were able to connect with over 80% of our chapter verifying they had weathered the harsh conditions. If you sustained damage please reach out, we may be able to assist.

We are looking forward to spring more than ever this year. There are encouraging signs about live events beginning to surface in the coming months.

This is also the time of year we begin to talk about our Zig Ziglar Member of the Year voting process. Who will you nominate in this incredible year? Some verbiage asks, “who has gone above and beyond the call of duty to aid and promote the Chapter this year”?

We hope you are finding value and having fun with all the activities we have offered over the past few months. The events continue this month. Join us for the chapter meeting with Cara Silletto, Ed Foreman, Speaker Forum with Rex Houze, Cindy & Shep Hyken, Fireside Chat with Dave Lieber and Cathy Fyock, Labs with Annie Meehan, and Joe Heaps, Master Minds, and more!

There is something for everyone and remember not everything is for everybody.

In closing, it is always a great time to thank your board and leaders who continue to put those events on. These volunteers continue to give their time and energy to you.

How did you intentionally move forward this month?

Tim Marvel, CSP
NSA North Texas Chapter President 2020-21


March 3 / 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Fireside Chat
Cathy Fyock, CSP
Dave Lieber, CSP

Using Books to Build Your Business


Share your monthly wins & successes for Speakers Applause.

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Saturday, March 13, 2021 / 9:00am – Noon
Chapter Meeting with Cara Silletto, MBA, CSP
Special Guest: Ed Foreman, CPAE

The Association Insider:
How I Booked 80+ Association Gigs in One Year

Been frustrated in the past trying to work with associations who have “limited non-profit budgets?” Not all associations are equal and navigating the waters to find paid engagements can be a challenge. But tremendous benefits come to those who crack the association code!

Former association meeting planner Cara Silletto, MBA, CSP started her speaking career in 2014, became a professional member of NSA in 2015, and conducted more than 80 speaking engagements for association clients in 2016, which also brought in more than a dozen corporate events as well. Since she’s been on both sides of the planner/speaker relationship, she knows first-hand what opportunities and limitations exist in this space.

Come hear Cara share the secrets she’s learned behind the scenes and along the way about the association conference decision-making structure, how to transition from local to national chapter events, ways she worked around limited budgets, strategies for capitalizing on industry education requirements, and more!

Participants will explore:

  • Various association structures & how to identify the right groups to meet your goals
  • Ideas for building association-friendly programs they love
  • Strategies for maximizing a speaker/association relationship to get rebooked sooner

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NSA NT Community Outreach

In March we are spotlighting

The Founder is our long-time member Mellanie True Hills, CSP. is a non-profit patient advocacy organization founded in 2007 by atrial fibrillation patient Mellanie True Hills. Once she was afib free due to a surgical procedure, it became her mission to improve the quality of life for those living with afib and save lives by raising afib awareness. is for patients by patients.

At the time, afib was a little-known condition, so Mellanie created Atrial Fibrillation Awareness Month. She worked with medical society partners to get the U.S. Senate to designate September as National Atrial Fibrillation Awareness Month in 2009.

Atrial fibrillation (afib) is the most common irregular heartbeat and is characterized by heart palpitations, dizziness, and shortness of breath. After the age of fifty-five, there is a one-in-three lifetime risk of developing afib. This progressive and debilitating disease increases stroke risk by 500%, leads to heart failure, sudden cardiac arrest, and dementia, and can double the risk of death.

Afib can take a physical, emotional, and financial toll on patients and their family members. has curated an invaluable collection of news stories, webinars, masterclasses, and patient conference videos so those living with afib can improve their quality of life.

Since COVID-19 causes heart damage and heartbeat issues, more people than ever are living with afib. That’s why it’s more important than ever that people know about afib.

To learn more about afib risk factors, and how to identify afib and manage it for those who already have it, visit To receive updates on the latest afib news, consider signing up for the newsletter.

Positive Posts

Stu Schlackman, CSP
Stu Schlackman, CSP

There is some great wisdom in the book Atomic Habits by James Clear. Most people focus on a goal for the year and believe the goal is the end-all and be-all. But it’s not. What’s more important is your process.

Winners and losers have the same goals, it’s just that winners achieve them. But goals are momentary and they don’t achieve happiness. Goals are either/or, but it’s the system you develop that will make a successful change permanent. Goals are actually at odds with long-term progress.

James mentions that level 1 is changing outcomes or your goals. Level 2 is changing your process or system. But it’s level 3 that drives levels 1 and 2 to be successful. Level 3 is to change your identity – your beliefs, your view of life, and who you are. So for success to be long-lasting, start with who you are and change your views, to reflect the achievements you want to consistently reach achieve your dreams!

Make 2021 a great year!

Have you heard about our Ambassador Program?

Earn up to $40 credit per paid referral on your 2021-2022 membership dues, All-Access Pass, or the Charbonneau Academy by helping promote and grow the NSA NT Chapter.

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