November 28, 2022 in Member of the Week

Member of the Week for November 28, 2022 Charles Heasley

Member of the Week for November 28, 2022

Charles Heasley

About Charles Heasley:

Charles Heasley is the President of J&C Leadership Consulting, a group that specializes in equipping people to confidently and effectively communicate during challenging interactions.

Charles spent the first decade of his professional career in law enforcement. He was promoted to the rank of sergeant, and was later selected to develop and lead his department’s first full-time mental health unit. As his department’s Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Coordinator, Charles was also responsible for training sworn officers, recruit officers, and department civilians in crisis recognition and de-escalation skills.

Charles earned a MA in Executive Leadership from Liberty University, where he is currently pursuing a Doctor of Strategic Leadership. He is also the co-host of the LeaderLink Podcast.

Charles serves as the Vice President of the Texas Crisis Intervention Team Association, and as the volunteer coordinator for the North Texas chapter of the National Speakers Association. He is an active member of the Collin County Mental Health Symposium Committee, the Youth Equipped to Succeed Professional Advisory Board, and the North Texas Disability Chamber Advisory Board.

Charles is also a husband, cat dad, classically trained guitarist, and high-handicap golfer.

What audiences you speak for?

People who want to be better equipped to handle challenging interactions. Whether you are an employee working with customers/citizens, or a leader at any level working with employees, these skills help you maintain composure and communicate for more successful outcomes.

What led you to this career?

In my law enforcement career, I became involved in the mental health program and was the lead de-escalation instructor responsible for training police officers and recruit officers at five north Texas municipal police departments. As a police sergeant, I realized I had a passion for leadership development. Over time, I had more and more non-police personnel reaching out asking if I could provide de-escalation and/or leadership training for their departments. Even though I loved my work in law enforcement and mental health, I saw that there was a demand for these skills beyond law enforcement.

What’s one professional skill you’re currently working on?

Video production.

What’s your go-to productivity trick?

I schedule time for the important tasks during the hours I know I’m most productive. On days where I’m not with a client, my mornings between 8AM-11AM are blocked out for the most important tasks of the day.

Who has influenced you most when it comes to how you approach your work?

Jim Pancero.

What’s a mistake you made early on in your career, and what did you learn from it?

I think the biggest mistake I made was waiting so long to finally leave the police department after I’d started my speaking business. I learned it was really hard to work on my business while I was still working for the government.

What’s a work-related accomplishment that you’re really proud of?

I’m very blessed that most of my clients have been via referral.

What being a member of NSA-NT means to you (testimonial) 

The networking and informal conversations alone have probably shaved years off my learning curve. The programming is extremely helpful, too, but being part of a community of people who genuinely care about helping each other succeed has been amazing.

Something personal you want us to know- can be about family, a vacation, a favorite food- anything you care to share.

I love to play the guitar.

Contact info and Social Media info (full URLs please):

Phone: 214-923-0204


IG: Charles.Heasley

IG: LeaderLinkPodcast
