Robin Creasman

Tuesday, October 13 / 7pm-9pm CST

RockStar Your Virtual Presentation to

Wow, Woo, & Win Your Audience!

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What do rock star musicians, athletes, and entertainers all have in common? They’re thoroughly prepared, rehearsed, & ready to rock. They’re great at what they do, are committed, consistent, & team players. And they sell their performance with sizzle. In other words, they stand out, shine on stage, & play to win by giving their best. Bottom-line, they wow their audience every time they walk on stage or the field.

BUT WAIT! What happens when they lose access to their normal stage or stadium? They Adapt their StrategyReFocus their Game PlanReInvent their Performance Style, & Rehearse like crazy. But in the end… they still ROCK THE HOUSE!

Now, what about Professional Speakers? Can people say the same about them? About Us? Not really, at least not from where I sit and from what I hear from meeting planners. Most speakers, if I can be honest, are not very good on camera (even some of those who rock the stage), and look & sound like amateurs versus the professionals they are.

But, I understand why! Most speakers have never had to “produce a live event… or a tv show… or run the AV production for a big conference… or produce engaging live videos.” And that’s now what we’re challenged to do as virtual speakers. I get it!

But the good is, I have done these things over my 20+ years of television & live production! And I’m going to tell & show you exactly what you need to do to up your game, so you can stand out like the pro you are. I’m going to show you how to ROCKSTAR YOUR VIRTUAL PRESENTATION to WIN!  Let’s do this!

About the Speaker:

Robin Creasman is an award-winning television producer, motivating keynote speaker & coach, former touring musician & recording artist for USA Records, and entertainment industry expert known as The RockStar Speaker & Presentation Coach. He teaches presentation & performance strategies from the world of music & television on how to wow, woo, & win your audience by delivering a Rock Star Experience every time you perform. It doesn’t matter if you’re presenting LIVE on-StageVirtually on-Video, or One-on-One on a Sales Call. How well you perform, communicate, & connect with your audience determines if they want to follow you, buy from you, or tell others about you. So, RockStar Your Virtual Presentation to Win!

Robin’s also the author of the audiobook… Be A Rockstar: 12 Ways to Stand Out in Leadership, Customer Service, & Sales. And the producer & host of 3 DVD Series and 1 Audio CD for Professional Speakers.

Join us!

Tuesday, October 13 / 7:00pm-9:00pm

Virtual. Once you register, the link information will be sent to you.

Registration closes at noon on 10/13/20.


  • $47 for NSA NT Members
  • $57 for Guests and non-NSA NT Members

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Have a condition/disability that requires a reasonable accommodation to fully participate in an NSA/North Texas chapter event? Contact Donna Mack, NSA/NT’s Disability Access Ambassador at:, (at least 3 business days prior to the event, if possible) for arrangements to be made.